Friday, September 18, 2020

Ruth Bader Ginsburg dead at 87

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Champion Of Gender Equality, Dies At 87

Read about Justice Ginsburg


  1. I told you so ,Lynn! I knew they were going to thaw out the troll as an October surprise! It was a race to see who would go first, RBG or Biden being "Covided" !!!!!

  2. Lynn, I hope you and your readers recognize that the post from 8:15, is not the opinion of a conservative, but of a seriously, disturbed, dare I say diseased individual.

  3. @9:08--Conservatives come in all shapes and sizes just like Democrats with their Loony Left progressives, Green New Deal whack jobs who won't take a stand against police violence, antifa and BLM, all a threat to our country and our way of life.

  4. So you actually agree with @8:15, Lynn?

  5. @9:08--Do you really think you speak for ALL conservatives? I thought I answered it above.
    I don't like some things Lindsey Graham says. I don't like some things Lisa Murkowski says. I also don't like some of Susan Collins statements. I definitely don't like Mitt the Mutt. So?

  6. 9:08 don't think it's just conservatives that are laughing their asses off now that the evil troll RBG finally gets to go have a lunch date with the King of the Underworld.Leftists everywhere are cursing her name because she didn't retire when Obama begged her to.This whole scene is just so damn delicious. 2020 strikes again!The radical left knows the're fuced. I hope Trump nominates Tom Cotton!!!

  7. I don't like Tom Cotton. When I listen to him, I can hear the flames crackling in the background of witches he's burned at the stake. He's like somebody from the time of the Scarlett Letter.

    If Trump has the slightest chance of securing a nomination to the bench, it certainly won't be Tom Cotton. Anyway, Trump didn't mean that. He was just throwing a bone to the radical right.

    Trump is not really right wing. It's just that the left has gone so far left, he seems so. Trump is a Conservative, not a radical.
