Sunday, September 20, 2020

Radical AOC Threatens Violence

But who's surprised by these left-wing crazies?

AOC Calls for Left To 'Radicalize' After RBG's Death: 'We Can, and Must, Fight'

The country had barely started processing news of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death Friday when radical leftists began calling for violence should President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans dare to fill her vacant seat on the high court.


1 comment:

  1. A nobody created by the media, and catapulted to fame and fortune.

    This one and Loomer; two sides of the same coin. Big mouths and no brains.

    Between the two of them, they don't have an advanced degree, and just go about spouting cliches and showing their profound ignorance on any subject you could name.

    An undergraduate degree means nothing today. It's just a high-school diploma.
