Friday, September 25, 2020

Protest at City Hall last night because of decision on Breonna Taylor case

Protesters gather at city Hall Lake Worth Beach following Breonna Taylor decision

Pastor Tony Cato, who's part of a group of local clergy, organized the Lake Worth Beach event. I'm sure Omari Hardy was in the mix somewhere.

Around 50 citizens believing there is unfair justice towards Blacks were there last night in all their misinformed invented racism. I guess they did not bother to listen to the Kentucky Attorney General (who by the way is black) Daniel Jay Cameron's, opinion on the Breonna Taylor case.

Read about it...


  1. MSM is manipulating all this mayhem...facts? What facts.

  2. These "protesters" are nothing but a disgusting group of racist,bigoted ,modern day Klan members that hate white people.The only things missing are this group's hoods.That pastor is not a man of God. He is a tool of Satan trying to foment hate,division and chaos.

  3. That pastor is a tool of Harris also.

  4. If I were black, the last thing I would do, is embrace a bunch of white losers from Lake Worth Beach. There are many extremely successful Black Business Men/Women, to emulate. Did you know that the CEO of Merck Pharma is a Black man. He is one of many. And, we don't have to go to the sports or entertainment world to find successful examples. Stick with whitey. He'll have you marching around city hall for the next 50 years.

  5. The CEO of Lowe’s is black. McDonalds, Xerox, American Express, and many other big companies have or had black CEO’s including Merrill Lynch.

  6. At present, there are only three Black CEOs in the Fortune 500. Race does not prevent someone from succeeding in America. But you are diverting from the topic, anonymous @10:55am and 6:14pm. This has to do with a protest regarding Breonna Taylor in front of our city hall. Some people need to read the facts in this case.

  7. If facts on a printed page were interpreted in the same manner by everyone who read them, we could eliminate most of the lawyers and courts in the country.

    As far as three black CEO's according to Fortune magazine, I wonder who those people I hear on Squawk Box every day are then; imposters?

    What was your search criteria? What about entrepreneurs? Black owned businesses? What about all the companies that aren't Fortune 500 companies?
