Sunday, September 27, 2020

POTUS and Next Supreme Court Justice praying

"When the most powerful Man on Earth bows to humble himself to God and gives thanks with his choice of Justice for America’s Supreme Court, you know this is GOOD."
Stephen Mathew, Facebook Friend


  1. We all remember the time Barack Obama bowed to the Saudi king, the worst scandal in presidential history. Trump bows only to God.

  2. I remember when Trump saluted the North Korean soldier. I also remember the days Trump has actually stepped in a church in the last 4 years because I can count them on one hand.

    Used car salesman love Red Hats. Donald Trump could sell any of you an old beat up AMC Pacer for $20K and you all would think you got the deal of the century.

  3. We are talking about BOWING HERE. Trump returned a salute to the North Korean general...did not BOW.

  4. The North Korean general was offering his hand to shake and Trump saluted him. There are pictures.

    It was an embarrassing moment for this country.

  5. You still want to insist about re-writing this blog--Democrats do that well.
    While greeting North Korean dignitaries during his summit meeting with Chairman Kim Jong Un, President Trump returned the military salute of a North Korean general, per Snopes.
    This is general to general. Protocol. Respect of the rank.

  6. Barack bowed to Saudi: Muslim brotherhood.

  7. 12:44 overall dumb comment, church isn't necessary to prayer. Why do you find prayer threatening?. Are you bitter from being sold a lemon? Buyer beware, your vote for Harris is useless.

  8. AMC Pacer for me please.

    I will choose people like TRUMP anytime. He isnt perfect, but the best candidate BY FAR!
