Thursday, September 3, 2020

"People in Dark Shadows Control the Streets and Control Biden"

Pres Trump & Sen. Rand Paul Just Set The Media & Democrats Up For A Very Hard Fall

 The media and Democrats continue to fall over and over again. Jim Acosta continues on his trip mocking Trump at every opportunity and ends up falling down. He believes it's some wild conspiracy theory. And Bill Barr is investigating who is behind the anarchism in our country.

The President claims people in the dark shadows who control the streets are really controlling Biden. He goes on to talk about a plane full of people wearing black uniforms but then says he can’t reveal anymore because it’s under investigation

TRUMP: "A person was on a plane, said there were about 6 people like that person, more or less, and what happened is the entire plane filled up with the looters, the anarchists, rioters, people looking for trouble. The person felt very uncomfortable on the plane."

Rand Paul has called to SUBPOENA ANTIFA plane records, hotel records, all travel records & all funding...Looking for an indictment in the coming weeks.

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