Monday, September 14, 2020

Omari Hardy does not want to honor or celebrate Columbus Day

Tomorrow, September 15, the Lake Worth City Commission will be meeting on Zoom at 6pm.

Omari Hardy will attempt to be the "star" once again--

All of these discussions are important but Item C is the liberal lefty Omari's sticking it to our history once again.

A. Discussion about how the Commission will fill the District 2 seat (no backup provided)
B. Discussion on how to reduce speeding on Lake and Lucerne Avenues (no backup provided)
C. Resolution stating that the City will not honor nor celebrate Columbus Day and that it will instead honor and celebrate Indigenous People's Day (Resolution will be provided by Commissioner Hardy)

Columbus Day is a U.S. holiday that commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492, and Columbus Day 2020 is on Monday, October 12. It was unofficially celebrated in a number of cities and states as early as the 18th century but did not become a federal holiday until 1934 under Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

There are now several states that do not celebrate Columbus Day and Washington, D.C's council a year ago voted to replace it with Indigenous Peoples' Day in a temporary move that it hopes to make permanent.

In 2017, after someone vandalized the Christopher Columbus statue in New York City's Central Park, the then-president and chief operating officer of the National Italian American Foundation, John M. Viola, wrote in a New York Times editorial,

"The 'tearing down of history' does not change that history. In the wake of the cultural conflict that has ripped us apart over these months, I wonder if we as a country can't find better ways to utilize our history to eradicate racism instead of inciting it. Can't the monuments and holidays born of our past be re-imagined to represent new values for our future?" [NPR]

Well, Omari wants to "tear down" Columbus Day. He loves being a radical and being divisive; it makes his day. Just leave it alone Commissioner.

Read PBPost article


  1. Oh god. What next with this guy?

  2. If it weren't for Columbus, Omari would be in Haiti, hopefully improving things there.

  3. Oh no, will we have to listen to his garbAge again! Will it ever end? He will pack the comment cards with these liberal freaks.

  4. Now, he's just being silly. I'm surprised that he is so sophomoric.

  5. is sorus backing this lacky.he acts like one of the mice

  6. If he cant cause trouble, he would have nothing to add. As a former school teacher, he knows the attributes of a bully, and he shows them well. Derail his campaign or we will be listing to his bullshit for years.

    I guess being 30+ and having a girlfriend FINALLY, must stress him out.

  7. Just read a quote today that I thought was excellent--

    "Black students attending as Rhodes Scholars at Oxford demanded the university remove the statue of Oxford Benefactor, Cecil Rhodes.

    Interestingly, Chris Patten (Lord Patten of Barnes), The Chancellor of Oxford University, was on the Today Programme on BBC Radio 4 on precisely the same topic. The Daily Telegraph headline yesterday was "Oxford will not rewrite history”.

    Lord Patten commented: “Education is not indoctrination. Our history is not a blank page on which we can write our own version of what it should have been according to our contemporary views and prejudice.”

    This just reminded me of all the left-winger revisionists in our country and Omari Hardy in our city in particular.

  8. Hardy needs to be shouted down by the public. He is attempting a massive increase to the revisionism already injuring our culture, and his communist party attempts to show America as having an evil history -- need to get him booed off the stage. He pretends to be fighting systemic racism, while actually doing his best to cause violent racism in every black person that will listen to him - this is right out of the Marxist playbook on how you divide a strong nation by promoting division and hatred, so the Marxists can come in and take over the smaller and weaker parts remaining. His imagining of past injuries to Indigenous American Indians is just another Marxist strategy used to destroy Nationalistic pride of Americans for their country..Shut this down!!

    Too many thousands of major nations fought wars over land in the last 10,000 years. What America did to the American Indians, had been done thousands of times before by most other nations, and more importantly, the American Indians DID THIS TO COMPETING TRIBES the entire time they were in North America.

    The Indians killed and took slaves, and this was the way of the world----and this is why Nations need military protections, alliances, and a culture of Nationalism to assist in defense of friends and family.

    Omari can not change the past, but if we are WEAK enough to allow it, he will convince the weak-willed among us that communism and globalism and a One-World Government is the moral high road..... That means "the few" get to rule "the many"....... and freedom and self-achievement will disappear with the loss of American culture and family values.

    Hardy is disgusting, and his voice needs to be shut down. The real question is whether the people of Lake Worth will be apathetic to this future, or will they say enough is enough -- and speak out in one voice against him!

  9. Omari is a "wanna-be" Obama, in almost every way imaginable. Do we want to give him free access to rise up through the political ranks -- to stand as a powerful Traitor to American values like Obama did -


    Do we "Tar and Feather" Omari now, in our town, and leave him no platform to grow with? ( Metaphorically tar and feather him of course :-) ) I'd be horrified if the town actually Tarred and Feathered him :-) Not :-)

  10. Omari Hardy would "invent" systemic racism and attempt to turn FRIENDS into ENEMIES -- to create a "movement for Black Racism and Hatred", in order to push his personal and communist agenda.

    Knowing this, can you ignore it, or will it force you to "stand with your friends in Lake Worth, against this divisive force trying to pit friend against friend?

    Is there a lower form of scum in Lake Worth than Omari Hardy?

  11. He is a headline who're and nothing else. Oh, a racist against whites.

  12. Excellent post(s) Dan.

  13. There are always the stocks Dan! There is plenty of garbage in Lake Worth to throw at him.

  14. Things could be worse. We could have Andrew Gillum on the Commission.

  15. Dont stop now Dan Volker, I am quickly becoming one of your biggest fans.

    His race needs to be stopped. Imagine the damage he could do. So many discrepencies in his election need to be exposed.
