Sunday, September 27, 2020

McCain continues his hate from the grave

John McCain’s Wife Tried Opening Her Mouth About Trump And Got SHUT UP REAL QUICK!

And remember, senator McCain shared the fake dossier with Comey, the then-FBI director according to a top aide. But she hates the president!

Also, it was McCain who was the pivitol vote in the Senate when he voted against a "skinny" plan to repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act. He hated Obama too! He had a lot of hate in his heart even though America made him a war hero for being captured for 6 years.

Read about poor Cindy


  1. You never served your country, Lynn, so you really don't have any standing to sh*t on a veteran of America's armed forces, let alone a POW of 5 years.

    It takes a special kind of person to attack our war heroes. It takes a special kind of person to attack kids who are victims of school shootings. It takes a special kind of person to hate 50% of their fellow Americans.

    Special kinds of people like the above get through this life okay a lot of times. But the karma hits when they arrive at the Gates of Saint Peter and they have to explain their hate. He remembers all and I'm not sure He gives a lot of leeway for politically motivated hate. Good luck to you, Lynn. You're going to need it...if you believe in that kind of thing, of course.

  2. @5:06...for someone who obviously is anti-Christianity ad who doesn't really believe "in that sort of thing"...thanks. LOL The ONLY people showing hate here are Democrats.
    John McCain knows what he did to his party and to the healthcare plan that caused a lot of people not to get lower cost healthcare just because he didn't want to give the president a win. Nothing about him is admirable in his later years.
    Democrat--the Party of HATE.

  3. I am lucky enough to pay for my own health insurance with the affordable care shit. Yes, I pay approximately $1100 PER MONTH. OUT OF MY POCKET! Affordable????

    So, because he was a "war hero" he gets a pass. I have been paying these prices for a long time. Sorry, NO!

  4. Ron R, you are getting a bargain. My "affordable" plan is $1600 per month. I have a huge amount of respect for John McCain for his service and suffering while captured and in later years, when the two parties started to run for opposite poles, he worked with Joe Leiberman toward bi-partisan consensus on many issues. Joe was skewered for not carrying the party line and unceremoniously kicked out of the Senate by his onw party. McCain was also condemned for trying to work toward the middle but his credentials (getting a pass) saved him.
