Monday, September 28, 2020

Mark Wahlberg says Celebrities should stay out of Politics

Mark Wahlberg BREAKS SILENCE And Destroys Every Trump Hating Celebrity In EPIC Interview

Mark Wahlberg has always been one of my favorite actors. I love movies but haven't seen one since theaters were closed in March due to Covid and I used to go weekly.

Now that theaters have re-opened to an extent, my negative view of Hollywood actors still prevails. I find myself researching their politics before I would see one of their movies. Some of them, like Robert Dinero, are obviously apparent. I don't want to give one of them one damn dime of my money if they do not support our president and our country.

Wahlberg is a Democrat who believes celebrities live in a 'bubble' and so are not aware of the issues people face day to day.

Read what Mark has to say


  1. Amen. "playing pretend" is a great way to really put in perspective what these Hollywood Jackasses that think they are better than the rest of us really are.

  2. Happy to know there are a few actors who have a brain.
