Thursday, September 24, 2020

Hypocrisy of Democrats on Supreme Court Nomination


  1. This is all about assumptions. Many of us are making the assumption that this was a confrontation between good and evil - meaning the police representing the citizens needing protection from looting and arson etc, and evil, which would be the rioters we would see as thugs that have bussed in to the area and been paid to cause trouble. Given this assumption being accurate, then I am at a loss to understand what the police officer whose mission has just been activated--for him to move forward and drive back the criminals, should allow the criminals to STOP his mission by their unlawfully lying down on the road....and of course, the bike tire could be seen as a fair punishment for the action being taken against the police. The only people I see as finding fault with this police action in the riot, would be the ones that think the rioters are the good guys, and the police are the bad guys...To these people I would say---you are part of a different "society" than I am....and my culture and the society I live in, is at odds with yours. Such an incompatibility could easily be the foundation of a Civil War, as my side knows your side to be criminals to the culture of America.

  2. Google's new interface picked up the wrong labels for this blog. It should be Anarchists, Police, Protester, Seattle.
    Thanks, Dan.
