Saturday, September 26, 2020

Florida is Opened for Business

Gov. DeSantis Lifted All COVID-19 Restrictions On Businesses Statewide

Gov. Ron DeSantis says he is lifting all restrictions on businesses statewide that were imposed to control the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. Most significantly, that means restaurants and bars in the state can now operate at full capacity.

Up to now, restaurants and bars in Florida could serve customers indoors at 50% of legal occupancy. DeSantis said his new executive order lifts that restriction statewide, though local governments can keep additional limits in place if they're justified for health or economic reasons. []

Harry's Bar on Dixie Highway opened at 7pm.


  1. You don't have to wear your mask to Publix anymore, Lynn! It will be good to breathe again, right?

  2. I hate wearing a mask! 6 months of this---too much!

  3. The problem is, some people are very attached to the virus, and they will resent anyone who is not as committed to it as they are. Don't ask me to explain this phenomenon, it ;s just the way it is.

    I would never have worn the mask, except for the fact that I don't want to get my teeth knocked out by some zealot who really "believes". This belief has taken hold so strongly in certain sectors of the population that to abandon belief in the virus, is tantamount to heresy.

  4. Ill probably still wear a mask because I'm old as dirt!

  5. So Publix has no legal right to prohibit us from going inside with no mask on ? If true, that is wonderful news I will enjoy testing this afternoon!

  6. Hey, Dan...get back to us on this! I did see someone without a mask on last week when I was there. They no longer are wiping down the carts and took off the 6 feet distance notices and one-way on the aisles weeks ago.

  7. That's right, Dan! The big hoax is over. Did anyone actually see anyone die of COVID? I didn't. Trump has been playing along only because he has to but you can tell his heart has never been in it. I admire him even more for keeping his cool as the bogus stories of 200,000 people dying were reported. He saved us, and he knows it.

    Burn your masks, everyone! It's Freedom Day!

  8. Went in to Publix around noon, wearing no mask AND wearing by baseball cap that clearly says " Forced Mask wearing is about fear and compliance".

    By the time I had made it in to the area with milk and eggs, one of the good little public nazis began politely asking me to wear a mask....At which point I pointed out that the governor of the state was ready ending the enforced communism of the lockdowns and other political scams being perpetrated in the name of health....Facts and science do not work of democratic socialist nazis, and he just kept at it, with others in the background ( indicating to me that if I did not comply by the time i got to checkout I would be dealing with the police.....which I considered for a few minutes, and then decided I did not want to play the game that far today, so I put my Trump 2020 mask on.
    I did get to have at least 50 or so people witness my displeasure with the communist leanings of Publix.
    Bottom will take many more of us, standing up to the nazis, for this practice at Publix to be ended.

  9. You probably should have been more low key, and you'd have gotten away with it. I did!
