Saturday, September 26, 2020

Elections have Consequences, Mr. Obama

Trump Fires Back After Obama Says He Shouldn’t Fill SCOTUS Vacancy

"Donald Trump just fired back at his predecessor Barack Obama after he released a statement saying that the current president should not fill the Supreme Court vacancy that has come about following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

In a tribute to Ginsburg after her death on Friday, Obama indicated that her Supreme Court seat should be left open until after the election in the spirit of consistency.”


Obama needs to retire.


  1. Hmmmm,,,, I seem to recall Obama lecturing the Republicans that "elections have consequences". One of the few true things that he ever said.

  2. In the spirit of consistency what BS is that the title of Barack's newest book from his 64 million dollar book deal?

  3. Barack's Mom had no "spirit of consistency"
