Tuesday, September 22, 2020

"Cry me a River you Clueless Morons!

Ruth Bader Ginsburg just couldn’t hang on until 2021

"May God bless her with all the riches of Heaven for departing this world in time for Donald Trump to appoint yet another Constitution-loving patriot to the Supreme Court."

RBG could have simply retired during Barack Hussein’s fraudulent administration and allowed him to nominate Khalid Sheikh Mohammed or an even worse America-hating demon, of which the Democrat Party has no shortage. Instead, she clung to her seat, savoring the fame and fortune, and now liberal weenies are apoplectic that she could be so selfish. Cry me a river, you clueless morons!"

Read more... of Thomas Madison


  1. "Ruth Bader Ginsburg just couldn’t hang on until 2021"

    I'm glad you're on board with the idea that Trump is going to be crushed in November, Lynn.

    Also, have no idea if you're a God-fearing woman or not but, man, if you are, you gotta be getting ready for the list of rancid, ugly blog posts that you and He are going to have a talk about whenever you check out.

  2. @12:07...just another perspective, Democrat. I didn't write it...just reposting it.
    We'll see about November. Hope our country is saved on November 3...Trump 2020

  3. RBG the baby killer?
