Friday, September 18, 2020

Chinese Whistleblower said the China virus was no accident

Chinese Whistleblower: I Have Proof That China Intentionally Created COVID-19

Did anyone see this segment Tuesday night on Tucker Carlson? It was an eye-opener.

Liberals (especially Joe Biden) probably never even considered the idea that China could possibly be capable of intentionally creating and distributing COVID-19 in order to mess with the world economy. None of us want to believe that China is this evil.

But that's exactly what they are!

Read about it... and the scientist who says she has proof that it was "biiological warfare."


  1. Gee. If it turns out to be true.... knock me over with a feather. I thought from the beginning that a virus coming from an area of China that is home to a level 4 bio-lab shortly after Trump imposed economy crippling tariffs, which none of the weenies we elect have ever had the balls to do, that this was intentional.

    Nothing to see here. Move along.

  2. Great post - I agree wholeheartedly!

  3. Chinese dissidents have been coming here for years, trying to gin up conflict between the US and China. We can't survive without trade with China, so why antagonize them any further. After the Attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese Admiral Yamamoto said of the US. "I fear we have awakened a Sleeping Giant." The same could be said today of our relationship with China. We are not going to get the Chinese to bend to our will. They may appear to accede to our demands, but they have long memories, and I doubt if they have gotten over the Opium Wars yet. Let's not pretend that we have millions of men/women soldiers who are dying to go to war with a country of a Billion people who adhere to a discipline that we couldn't acquire in a million years.
