Sunday, September 20, 2020

Bill to Extend Daylight Savings Time

Rubio, Scott Introduce Bill to Keep Daylight Saving Time During Pandemic

“Our government has asked a lot of the American people over the past seven months, and keeping the nation on Daylight Saving Time is just one small step we can take to help ease the burden,” Rubio said.

“More daylight in the after school hours is critical to helping families and children endure this challenging school year. Studies have shown many benefits of a year-round Daylight Saving Time, and while I believe we should make it permanent all year around, I urge my colleagues to — at the very least — work with me to avoid changing the clocks this fall.”

Read more about the bill

1 comment:

  1. What Studies? There are probably just as many studies that say the opposite. I can't see what difference it makes to the virus, in fact, just the opposite. People will spend more time at home when it gets dark. Some people want this change, and some people don't. Why make up stories?
