Saturday, August 8, 2020

You won't be safe in Joe Biden's America


  1. Almost 160K Americans have died in the last 6 months due to COVID in Donald Trump's America.

    I'll take my chances with Biden, thanks.

  2. Look, take your silly misguided politics off my blog.

  3. how many of these 160,000 people that died were from hesrt attacks,cancers or accidents.we dont hear that for PRESIDENT TRUMP

  4. 1:31 is taking a big chance with Biden but also believes false narratives fed by the media.

  5. What would Biden have done differently, at 1:31? I mean for gosh sakes he's hiding in his basemen.

  6. BREAKING: Joe Biden does not want to defund the police.

    "Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said Wednesday that he wants to “get police more money” to handle the “god-awful problems” they face in the line of duty.

    Biden addressed calls to defund the police while speaking at a virtual fundraiser hosted by Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D).

    "I don't want to defund police," Biden said. "I want to get police more money in order to deal with the things they badly need, from making sure they have access to community policing, that they have also in the departments social workers, psychologists, people who in fact can handle those god-awful problems that a cop has to have four degrees to handle."

  7. Oh wow, we found a Democrat who believes Joe Biden and what he says. This is what's wrong with Democrats.

  8. you can tell when biden is lying.his eyes are open and his mouth is moving

  9. biden has already proven to be a hypocrite and liar. He says he is Catholic, Catholics do not allow abortion, he receives communion yet votes for a supports baby killing, this is not the type of president I want for my country and what I stand for, it says so much about our society and if we allow abortion and say it is OK, then we are all not. biden will do and say anything, I bet more people would have died if biden was president if the pandemic came under his helm. I despise hypocrites like waters, biden, pelosi, and shumer. Yuck! No thank you! I will vote for President Trump!

  10. "biden has already proven to be a hypocrite and liar. He says he is Catholic"

    Guess who went to church today and who didn't?

    Also, I'll wait here while you mention Trump's multiple marriages and his extramarital affairs and discuss how they're all in keeping with "the type of president you want for [your] country."

    Yes, by all means, let's talk about hypocrites.

  11. I won't vote for a baby killer supporter!

    If abortion is acceptable to you, then it says a lot about who you are and also about the society we live in when we allow it!

  12. Exactly, President Trump is not a hypocrite! You are right. Biden went to church today? Did he receive communion and was he a good Catholic? Or does he still support killing innocent unborn helpless babies? Biden and clinton are two of the biggest hypocrites and hateful people out there and to all the hateful TDS people, you show your hate each day, we see it. Too bad, President Trump won, he is our president and accept it. I hope he wins in November too, we will all be voting for him. He tells it like it is, he prays, talks about prayer and God, wants and end to abortion, and is so much more genuine than biden or any other politician in the swamp in DC.

  13. "Too bad, President Trump won, he is our president and accept it."

    Lol. *rolleyes*
