Thursday, August 13, 2020

Will Mail-in Ballots delay Election Results?

Federal elections chief warns of 'substantial chance' of no results on Election Night

Americans might not know the winner of major races by the end of Election Day, Federal Elections Commission Commissioner Ellen Weintraub said Monday.

“Let me just tell everybody, we’re all going to need to take a deep breath and be patient this year because there’s a substantial chance we are not going to know on election night what the results are,” Weintraub said Monday on CNN’s “New Day.”

Read more... about what all these mail-in ballots might cause. And of course, no one is mentioning the real possibility of voter fraud.


  1. I think what Americans have to be more concerned about is Trump disabling Our Post Office so that it won't be able to handle the ballots. He's already attacking it and slowing it down. Hopefully, Americans can fight off attempts for him to take it down completely.

  2. @5:02 — Yeah we all have to be worried about that 😂 😆 😝

  3. If it helps Trump win, who cares? He should just fire all the postal workers and let the stoopid Dems cry about having to actually show up to vote. Imagine that!

    Whatever needs to be done to keep Trump in power should be done. He is our leader and we need to do whatever he needs us to do for him.

  4. @10:53...that's not how things are done in a democracy. What you're saying sounds like something out of Russia or some third world country. What is wrong with you?

  5. Anything to save the US from a demented man and a giggling Whore. THEY will do anything.
