Saturday, August 15, 2020

Wicked Kamala

God Help Us - Kamala Harris Voted Against Protecting Already Born Babies from Being Legally Murdered

"On Tuesday, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden announced California Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate. By doing so, he solidified the most liberal, anti-life, anti-family ticket in American history."

Read about this wicked woman


  1. She really is the worst. What is wrong with democrats?

  2. She admitted the other night she is pro choice and it is up to the women to decide. This speaks volumes to her character and how she values life. Life for one of God's children begins at conception/fertilization, a new human genome is formed within the physiology of a living cell in a women's body. The single cell that results from conception (the zygote) is genetically human, self-developing and therefore is an individual human being at that very moment of conception. Conception may take place as soon as three minutes after sex or it may take up to five days according to: 12 weeks in the womb, you can already see most human features. What a miracle from God! It truly is a miracle that we can replicate as human beings, a gift from our Almighty Creator!

    It is a sin that someone would think it is fine to abort or murder an unborn child. I would never vote for anyone who is a baby killer supporter like her and biden, both confirmed they are prochoice. The ironic thing is joe is supposed to be Catholic, Catholics do not agree with abortion at all. How hypocritical. Anything for votes from the dems and liberal left. So sad for humanity. Please pray for an end to abortion and the death penalty.
