Sunday, August 16, 2020

Vote in Person--DO NOT TRUST the mail

Voting by Mail is not Safe

Democrats are trying to convince everyone that President Trump and the attorney general are crazy--that voting by mail is safe. NO IT IS NOT!

The following graphic shows a mail-in ballot by a Democrat and one by a Republican. The back of the envelope has a number that tells anyone looking at the envelope what Party affiliation the mailer is. Do you see the D?  What about the R? This was discovered by a woman whose brother is Democrat and she Republican when they compared the envelopes.

As USPS has endorsed Biden, would you trust a mail-in vote?


  1. How patriotic it is of you to scare people from voting using mail in ballots, Lynn. You're such a fine American.

    The Russians love dimwits like you.

  2. @4:56...
    Mail-in ballots are not safe. People should be scared. They should be very aware what the Democrats are doing out there. And I remember the last election with Mack Bernard and Al Jacquet with their ballot harvesting...illegal crap. You guys are the pits. I think Russia would be more in tune with you!
    And I am a fine American...thanks for noticing that. Can't say the same for you or any Democrat for that matter. Heaven help our country.

  3. I've always voted in person. Trump says so too and says mail-ins would lead to a lot of fraud. I believe this.

  4. Lynn, you have to distinguish between mail in ballots, and Absentee Voting. Absentee Voting is how the Military serving overseas votes, it's how Florida Residents who are still up north in early November, as well as shut-ins vote. The President clarified that the other day. The Governor himself said that our voting is under control. It's a perfectly legitimate alternative to going to the polls. As far as that goes, it's the future of voting.

  5. @9:04–that’s true but this example did not say whether it was an absentee ballot or a mail-in. The video is up on my Facebook page. Take a look at it. This is exposing the fact that your mail-in ballot whether absentee identifies you on the envelope as to your party. If there is someone handling your ballot who might be corrupt, that ballot could be singled out and discarded. Vote in person if you can.

  6. Democrats are insisting that everyone mail in their vote. Why is this? They even want the counties across America to pay for the postage. Typical of the tax and spend party. Just go to the polls. What is the big problem? Unless you're out of the area or infirmed or very old and have no means to get to your precinct, cast your ballot in person. People are getting very lazy in America. Perhaps they deserve the insurrection happening across the country. If you can't see where fraud can occur with mailing in ballots, then you're blind or ignorant to the facts.

  7. YOU SHOULD BE SCARED !!! After four years of total lies by the Democrat party I trust NOTHING they say ,do ,or want. ANYTHING a Democrat wants is evil ,illegal,or just plain no good. As for the postal worker ass wipes-these people steal stuff left and right. Try to send someone a Birthday card lately? Right.NO WAY IN HELL I TRUST MY VOTE TO THESE JERKS!!!!!

  8. "Democrats are insisting that everyone mail in their vote. Why is this?"

    Psst. Anonymous. There's a pandemic.

    I know there a lot of your kind that don't believe it's real but normal Americans do. They don't want to get sick.

    Just FYI.

  9. Democrats love to use Covid as an excuse for everything. Not buying it.

  10. The information on the outside of the envelope is not required. What idiot would send all of that information on the outside of an envelope. They probably had the envelopes printed up, and are determined to use them up.

    Furthermore, who cares what the Democrats are demanding. They can't demand that you vote by mail. don't be so gullible.

    The people working at the Supervisor of Elections Office, are just people. They may be Democrats, but it is unfair to accuse working people of all having an agenda, and be willing to commit fraud and falsify information. The people who work at the polls are also just people who want to make a few bucks.

    Don't get hysterical! This if Florida, not New Jersey.

  11. You still DO NOT GET IT. These are the printed envelopes that people get that delineates what Party you are by one little letter pre-printed. Some states ONLY have vote by mail. OK? Get it?
    People DO have an agenda. Where have you been? Do you remember what prompted the removal of SOE's in Broward and Palm Beach? Yeah. Democrats.

  12. Psst 7:50...dems are frauding all of us especially their ignorant base. Psst the MSM is aiding this crime against humanity. Wake up.

  13. 7:50 if the pandemic says people should avoid the polls why do Democrats approve mobs looting, burning and attacking bystanders who happen to be in the wrong place? Why do Democrats approve the destruction of even black owned businesses?

  14. Who was the person that validated this information for you, Lynn?

    The 3-digit number right next to it is also different on each ballot. Why is it not that number instead of the one that's underlined.

  15. was this woman's theory as both these people lived at the same address, one a democrat and she a Republican. It's definitely interesting.

  16. I spent a little time researching this and WPTV did a story on it.


    Palm Beach County's Supervisor of Elections posted the following statement in response to the video:

    "Concerns have been raised by certain voters that having the party on the envelope leads to a possibility of postal employees tampering with or not delivering mail of voters of a particular party. It would be a federal crime for any post office employee to tamper with this process. We have received no such reports of anything like this happening. Florida is a "Closed Primary" state, meaning voters can only vote for members of their party in a partisan race in the primary election. Because of this, voters are mailed ballots according to their party affiliation. For the General Election in November, voters can vote for candidates of any party, so there is only one ballot style in each precinct. Accordingly, there will be no indication on the ballot envelope as to the party of the voter."


    You might want to advise readers that it is okay to vote using mail to vote. We want to encourage all voting and this year mail-in voting is especially important for the COVID vulnerable. We want them to vote! There is nothing more patriotic or American than voting!
