Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Vote for Trump


  1. Vote for Trump so it can continue?

    He's President. If he won't or can't stop it, let's get someone who will!

  2. It's up to the States, anonymous @1:28. He has strongly suggested to give aid immediately but liberal leaders have turned him down.Where have you been?

  3. Hey 1:28, he is doing something so shut up...

    Trump says he will send federal law enforcement, National Guard to Kenosha after Jacob Blake shooting...

  4. Great news, anon @5:25. He's doing what he did in Portland, Seattle and Chicago. Those states and liberal leaders didn't want him but he did it any way. It doesn't matter what they's what Trump wants. Every Democrat better not forget that.

  5. the answer to that cartoon question is, VOTE FOR TRUMP and all republicans.

  6. trump has encouraged discord in this country. he is a hate and fear monger. he has emboldened nationalists, bugaloos, and others including this kyle kid. he doesnt get to light a torch and then blame governors when the flames start to burn the house down.

  7. have no idea what in he*l you're talking about,. Take your bullchit some where else. Get educated.
    What has emboldened these criminals is the lack of law and order in liberal cities and their looking the other way and doing nothing. Outrageous! This is the Democrats downfall for this election.
    Landslide for Trump

  8. hey 11:43, just because Trump is president doesn't mean he is to blame for everything. when obama was in charge did you see us blaming him for stuff in cities like chicago or detroit? did we attack him for rising crime or violence in america? of course we didn't. we blamed it on the governors and mayors, remember? I do!

  9. 11:43 too much MSLSD. It's the Obamas who are divisive while in office and behind the scenes now.
