Sunday, August 30, 2020

Trump's Opportunity Zones Great Success

Trump ‘Opportunity Zones’ Beat Back Poverty in America

This comes as no surprise, but U.S. poverty rates climbed to a more than 20-year high during the Obama-Biden administration of 15.1 percent. President Donald Trump vowed to turn the tide on poverty for struggling Americans and is reportedly on track to beat back poverty to a historic low of 9.2 percent for 2020, despite economic disruption with COVID-19.

Even Lake Worth Commissioners Omari Hardy and Herman Robinson have to agree with Opportunity Zones.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, interesting facts!

    Herman and Omari agree? No way. You see, statistics can be interpreted in different ways. Those two instigators will find a way to make this look like a failure to push their agenda. THOSE two are what is wrong with our society.

    Time to expose what we know, and find people that truly represent us.
