Sunday, August 2, 2020

Trump Still can Win 2020

Liberal Reporters Admit Trump Can STILL Win Re-Election

Actually, they misphrased that--He WILL win!

"The mainstream news media is hyping up the fact that most people, even those who say they intend to vote for Biden, still expect President Trump to win in November. This is a key statistic because the “expectation answer,” as it is known in the polling industry, is right 78% of the time."


1 comment:

  1. President Trump will win!

    Anyone who wants to see law and order and be allowed to pray and talk about God will vote for President Trump.

    Thank God we have a president that talks about God and prayer. We all need to read and practice all in Bob Goff's book, Everybody Always. WE just need to love all and see Jesus in all people and love all.

    There is so much hate and division in this world. People are so ignorant today, they ignore others, especially leaders and people in power, they ignore you and could care less what you think, or THE TRUTH. President Trump talks the truth, but the swamp in DC doesn't want to hear it, ignorant and ignore all of us. President Trump has not, he is listening, and to the faithful, they will all vote for him.

    I am thankful today for our great President and country. Thankful to God and my faith. Thankful we missed a hurricane hit with Isaias.

    Have you prayed today? Have you let God into your heart to lead you. Let His will be done.

    Maybe who are against abortion will not vote for a baby killer supporter in biden, so vote for President Trump again. He really has done so much in these past few years, he helped restore Christ in Christmas and is one of the hardest working presidents in modern history.

    Thank you President Trump!
