Sunday, August 16, 2020

This is the Democrats' America

Video Shows Stomach-Turning State of Portland Courthouse After Leftist Rioters Were Finished

Groups such as Black Lives Matter and the loosely organized coalition of so-called “anti-fascist” group known as Antifa, a domestic terrorist group, are leading what Democrats call protests.

Is this REALLY who you want to lead our country? Really? This will make you cry!


  1. this is what happens when the pelosis and shummers take you really think it will get better with biden and his socialist pick now this morning the word defund the post office was brought up by sanders

  2. President Trump should just let Amazon take over the USPS, they might actually do a better job, care more, and be more effective overall with all. It likely could save taxpayers a lot of money too!

  3. NO way! Jeff Bezos hates Trump and vice versa. He lost the Pentagon’s $10 billion cloud computing JEDI contract and he ownes the Washington Post, which publishes unflattering news about him all the time. It's a publication that Trump considers "fake news."
    Would not want Bezos in charge of delivering our ballots, that's for sure.
