Thursday, August 13, 2020

Omari Hardy, again!

Lake Worth Beach at odds over city’s PBSO budget for 2021

Well, once again we have to have Omari Hardy's name in the newspaper...this time going after the Sheriff's budget. I have already written about this but it's good to bring it up once again.

Why bring it up again? Because there is an election. And because Omari Hardy wants to shift some of the money around that we pay to the sheriff who protects and serves. He wants to get to the "root causes" of racism. That would take about a cool million to come close to any idea. I say he should start with himself.

And in spite of the fact that Omari wants to defund the police, he got the Police Union's endorsement. You can't get more crazy than that folks!



  1. Omari..........he'll be out of here soon.

  2. Sadly, this person will try to burn down the house before he leaves. I know we have to make sure he leaves and never returns. He is nothing but trouble. I wonder why he isn't teaching any more? I wonder why he is running for a district (88) he doesn't live in? I wonder if he is trying to run and hide from more than his record.

    Be sure if you vote democrat, no NOT vote for him.

  3. omari has a lot of secrets and lies, but they will all come out. Keep your faith in God, good will prevail over his evil. He is a racist and not a good person. WE have a lot of them here now.

  4. I see many Jacquet signs, but no Omari signs. He must not have much of an organization.

  5. This is unreal. How the heck did he get the police union’s endorsement?!

    Who knows why he isn’t teaching anymore, maybe he was caught doing something inappropriate with children.
