Friday, August 21, 2020

Live Missile found at Florida's Lakeland Linder Airport

LIVE MISSILE Capable Of Bringing Down AIR FORCE ONE Found At Major Airport!

"A live air-to-air, radar-guided missile was just discovered at the Lakeland Linder Airport in Florida, East of Tampa and the airport was ordered to evacuate.

The markings of the missile storage container have been analyzed and discovered this missile is a Matra R530F missile, which uses radar guidance and could be used to bring down Air Force One or a similar-sized airplane."

Markings on the left side of the missile’s container read “RJAF Jordan Air Forces,” indicating the missile or its container may have belonged to the Royal Jordanian Air Force.

No one seems to know how the missile ended up at the Lakeland Linder Airport. What the hell is wrong with our security?

Read about it...


  1. The Clowns In America are probably responsible. the walls are closing in.Look, officials HAVE to know where this came from and where it was going. It's not like a lost letter. It's a friggin missile!

  2. I completely agree with you 4:42. The people who are supposed to be guarding us have their faces in their I phones. Same with the stolen Lake Worth Trucks. I wouldn't be surprised if they left the keys in the trucks.

    The only way Americans will ever learn, is when it's too late.
