Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Laura Loomer Won District 21

Although all the votes are not yet in, she won! As Laura Loomer says, "I am the youngest, Jewish, first-time Republican candidate for Congress in history. When I win this race in November, I’ll be the first female Republican millennial female Congresswoman in Washington.

Representative in Congress, District 21 (Vote For 1)

Christian Acosta (REP) 25.54%--8,681
Elizabeth Felton (REP) 7.09%--2,409
Laura Loomer (REP) 42.53%--14,457
Aaron Scanlan (REP) 9.45%--3,211
Reba Sherrill (REP) 3.14%--1,066
Michael Vilardi (REP) 12.26%--4,167

Total votes: 33,991


  1. And for some reason, all the mail-in ballots have not been counted! Surprise?
    We only had a showing of 26.45% of the voters for the Primary. Can you imagine what will happen in the general election on November 3?

  2. Loomer claimed that Parkland was staged and that the Cesar Sayoc attempted bombings were a hoax set up by Democrats. I can't stand Frankel but I don't want a nutjob representing me in Congress.

  3. @7:15...don't know a thing about that. If she possibly said it at that time, then she was echoing other conservatives like Howie Kurtz and Ann Coulter regarding Sayoc. She is attributed to Parkland conspiracy but it can't be proved she said it.

    She is the only Republican who speaks out on issues affecting our country and she will take on Lois Frankel, a do nothing.

    It is time for the Republican party to stop the division and get behind all of our candidates....if you want to win, that is. If not, let the country go straight down the tubes. Is that what you want?

  4. She will have my support. Do nothing Frankel is wasting tax payer money on her salary.

  5. Unfortunately, I now have to vote for Lois.

    Your support for this candidate says a lot about you Lynn. None of it good.

  6. @7:15 - Your last sentence.

    I'd rather have nothing of substance than a total embarrassment representing me in Congress.

    I'll vote Lois.

  7. @9:29 and 10:37...probably the same fool!
    Democrats always vote for what's new there? And the funny thing is, Democrats always lie--about everything.

  8. I voted for Lois too! So, put me down anony above. What a total jerk you must be.

  9. I don't know what Democrats do Lynn, but I do know what crazy people do.

  10. cant you people get over yourselves and stop calling people names because of who they want to vote republican and this year voting straight rep.VOTE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP

  11. Re-reading your post from 7:30, you speak of Republicans as though they are a monolith, rather than living breathing people with their own opinions and beliefs.

    Any fool can register as a Republican, or Democrat, for that matter. The important thing is that they are of sound mind. With today's relaxed standards as to who is or is not mentally ill, your Laura is still walking around free, instead of being in a padded cell.

    She is a dangerous fanatic.

  12. So Happy Laura won! Incredible when you think how she has been censored by every social media site! Think about that ,all of you butt hurt,crybaby fools! Laura Loomer is the ONLY candidate that can beat that evil little troll Lois Frankel! I love the fact that Loomer is a fighter. Let's face it,she has more balls than most of the "men" in the REC of Palm beach County!!!!

  13. Aside from being a dangerous conspiracy theorist, she's pretty much an outcast. Why don't you try to find out why she isn't on the West Coast where she came from, with her family. She wasn't hatched, or maybe she was!

  14. I used to like Lois, but I was planning to vote for Acosta. As much as I don't like Lois, Laura Loomer wouldn't make a pimple on her Tuchas.

    In Lois' position, what would Loomer actually do? Does she even know the job description? You're putting your hopes for a conservative America on a candidate who is more interested in making a spectacle of herself, like a chimpanzee than honestly representing Conservative Americans.

    I guess this is one situation where the mail-in ballots worked in your favor. Maybe you put all of those Laura Loomer ballots in the mail-box yourself.

  15. "Pretty much an outcast" just won! so where does that leave YOUR conspiracy,FALSE theory? Go Laura!

  16. Loomer wants a non-Muslim version of Uber so she doesn't have to pay immigrants. Seriously.

    She's also endorsed by Trump and Matt Gaetz.

    Here's the bottom line: certain Republicans are willing to accept anyone and/or anything into the party as long as they are loyal to Donald Trump. It no longer matters their backgrounds, their beliefs or what they'll be able to accomplish for their constituents. If they believe in Trump, that's all that matters.

  17. Every single Republican running is loyal to Trump so Michelle, your full of BS

  18. I'm pretty sure Matt Gaetz would disagree with you, Lynn.

    There are different degrees of "loyalty." One great example of this is Maryland's governor, Larry Hogan.

    It isn't as black and white as the people you read and talk to would like to believe. While it may not always be apparent, there are some Republicans in office out there who still remember that loyalty is to Our Country and not one man.

    BTW, Laura Loomer is going to get massacred in the election so enjoy your loyalty to her while you can. On November 4th she reverts back to another far right loon who is banned from social media because of her extremist views.

  19. The Republicans got rid of Sarah Palin, they'll get rid of Loomer too. You only see Sarah Palin on Fox, because due to the Corona Virus, they have staffing issues. My fondest memories of Sarah Palin and her staff, are when they ran through Bergdorf Goodman and Saks like Barbary Apes.

    The only reason anyone is claiming support for Loomer is because of the Presidential Election. They need all the votes they can get.

    The Democrats have their share of oddities as well. Look who they have running for President.

    Politics is rougher and dirtier than the UFC. That's why there are so few credible people to choose from. Not everybody can stand to have their dirty laundry aired on Social Media.

    The really qualified candidates are all in Think Tanks, where you have a modicum of protection against the vicious, unintelligent and immoral whores who call themselves Journalists these days.

  20. For Loomer to win in a Democrat stronghold will take a miracle. So, thanks for all your wisdom.

  21. The problem is that Republicans in FL-21 are too far right to compete against a Democratic Party that is moderate and, admittedly, very boring. Republican voters had 5 choices this time and they picked the absolute wackiest one.

  22. @5:57. Really sad your guy didn’t win. But what’s even sadder is your condemnation of not only Laura but those who supported her. She ran a better campaign I guess but those who voted for her liked her attitude and her enthusiasm. You lost. Now let’s help a Republican whose odds of winning in this County are extremely difficult.

  23. My guy didn't win? What are you talking about? I don't live in FL-21. I didn't vote in that race. Huh?

    I'm just making observations based upon the other candidates and Loomer. You don't have to agree with me and that's fine. But the GOP is going to continue to lose elections in FL-21 if all they can put forward is far-right candidates.

    And she is far-right. Roger Stone, Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes all celebrated her victory with her last night. Those folks are on very much on the fringe.

    FL-21 is D+9, according to Cook. That's a deficit for Republicans but it's not insurmountable if they field a solid, sane candidate who isn't just trying to appeal to the radical right.

  24. Close to midnight last night, President Trump publically congratulated me for our primary victory!

    Minutes later, our President did it again, and again and again.

    It was a TRUMP TWEETSTORM about our work to win this election in Florida’s 21st District, home to President and Mrs. Trump!

    Earlier in the night, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called to congratulate me and I was honored when she said that she considers me a “change agent” for the Republican Party.

    As I said in my acceptance speech last night, I won’t be beholden to the Republican Establishment and I won’t be shackled into silence when Democrats dive off the deep end.

    Laura Loomer

  25. Mazel Tov!

    The President doesn't know you. You should try to get a job on his staff, before he finds out how crazy you are.

    He's had other crazy people working for him. Where are they now. You can always write a book.

  26. @7:11 —you forgot- President Trump congratulated her too

  27. Loomer, flanked by Roger and Milo, only goes to prove that not only the Democrats have Candidates with Dementia.

  28. @9:28--do you ever get bored with yourself?
