Saturday, August 8, 2020

Lake Worth (Beach) Bookmaker arrested

A Lake Worth Beach woman is facing charges for allegedly running an illegal bookmaking operation

Perhaps this is someone Omari Hardy feels is underprivileged and who this city should bend over backwards for...part of his false allegation of systemic racism going on here.

The article says she lives in Lake Worth Beach but actually she lives out of the city limits in 33461 zip...but you get the jist.

Read about this criminal

1 comment:

  1. Bookmaking is the least of our worries in this city these days. After a brief sojourn which included Publix, and a 20 minute wait at the drive up window at Starbucks, it dawned on me that the city is totally out of control.

    And why wouldn't it be: the nonessential workers haven't been in their nonessential jobs for four months now, and while the essential workers are doing their best to keep order, it is not their job to police the behavior of citizens, who have nothing to keep them occupied but to assemble in the 4 or 5 establishments who are able to keep them anesthetized for a good portion of the day and evening.

    And then, of course, there is unfettered public urination; a favorite spot for this pastime seems to be on the CVS wall, where they are giving the free Corona virus tests.

    All this aside, if the nonessential workers don't have any objection, it occurs to me that their nonessential pay checks stop immediately. Hasn't it occurred to anyone that you don't pay people if they don't do their jobs.

    This goes for City, County, and State, as well as all of the Non-Essential Banks and let's not forget the State Department, who can't seem to get it together to issue Passports, even for citizens who have had Passports for years.

    In the end, it's the elected officials, who are going to pay for this dereliction of duty on the part of the non-essential workers.
