Friday, August 28, 2020

Kyle Rittenouse shooting analysis

Video PROVES Kyle Rittenhouse Was defending himself BEFORE He Fired His First Shot In Kenosha Riot

New video analysis of the incident in Kenosha during which two people were shot dead proves that Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense.

"The prosecution against Kyle Rittenhouse is undoubtedly unjust. It is clear from this video evidence he acted in self-defense after being aggressively chased by violent anarchists, one a felon carrying a pistol."


  1. Obviously it was self-defense

  2. That's why the 17yo kid who was in violation of the law by open-carrying in Wisconsin was charged with 1st degree murder.

    If only the prosecutors had seen this video don by this person, he would have walked. Obviously.

    Next we're going to hear how the DA's office is part of the Deep State or that they all contributed to the Clinton campaign 5 years ago.

    Same old stuff.

  3. Your headline is incorrect according to the journalist. He WAS being assaulted and chased but he fired the first shot hitting the red-shirt in the head.

    Still quite possibly self-defense.

    Show me where I'm wrong.

  4. Illinois judge granted Kyle Rittenhouse's request to delay the extradition hearing to Sept. 25. I am rather sure all of this will come out.

  5. @12:11-He was not charged with murder. He was charged with homicide.

  6. Yes, those chasing him with guns precipitated his killing in self-defense

  7. Let's pretend for a minute...

    You're walking with your wife into Publix and someone comes up grabs your wife's purse and runs. You chase him and draw your gun. The bad guy turns, sees your gun and shoots before you get a chance. He hits you and runs off.

    Self-defense, right?


    This isn't self-defense. The 17yo kid, who was actually breaking the law by open-carrying, shot someone who was pursuing him because he had just shot someone else.

    Watch the trial a year or two from now and see what happens.

  8. @10:51...I googled it: Wisconsin is an open carry state. This means that gun owners can carry a loaded gun in public. Gun owners do not need a permit or license to carry a gun in public. A person is considered to be “openly carrying” a gun when a casual observer can see the weapon.
    As for the rest of your opinion, Rittenhouse has top criminal lawyers defending him. We shall see. He didn't "draw" his was visible, in plain sight and on his shoulder and then in his hand. These guys who came after him were really stupid. One had a gun drawn and pointed at him.

  9. The minimum age to open carry in Wisconsin is 17.

  10. Whatever happens, it's a tragedy of Biblical proportions. Two lives lost, one life destroyed forever, and the families of both shattered.

  11. Nice try, @9:00. Your link says 18. The shooter was 17. He was illegally open carrying.

    That being said, that's the least of his problems.
