Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Harris Ignores Biden Race Record She Blasted Just a Few Months Ago

"If the modern Democratic Party is good at anything, it is undoubtedly talking out of both sides of its mouth.

From its strangely circumstantial exaltation of the separation of church and state to its support for the sanctity of life just about anywhere besides the womb, the party is known for ideological and moral inconsistency.

On Tuesday afternoon that was all but stamped, sealed and certified when Sen. Kamala Harris of California oh-so-gracefully accepted a vice-presidential nod from the campaign of 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden."



  1. If you watched them today speaking, they are so fake and phony. Make up stories, joe is saying President Trump is out playing gold all the time, it hardly is true, he has been one of the hardest working presidents in modern history. harris has tds so bad, her hate is so sad for our country. You can tell that her and joe will not last long as a couple, she is too controlling for him. I just cannot image them as P and VP, I will not support baby killer supporters like them, harris also supports abortion, so sad for our society here in the USA. I will vote for President Trump!

  2. biden does not even know how to call kamala, he uses two names interchangeably. camala (cam) and Kamala (Ka)

    so odd, this couple seems odd and even uncomfortable with each other it seems.

  3. He's a racist and she's pretending to be black. Uncomfortable. Her resting face shows all she's done for ambition without qualifications and it's worse when she smiles.

  4. Why do all the most ambitious and most unqualified always try to get all the power and control, they are yes people and kiss ups, but not qualified, so many elected, so called leaders, admin., management all fit into this category.

    If you want respect you have to earn it, be it, you cannot fake it or kiss up!

    This is the problem with our world now at so many levels. WE have really bad people running so many aspects of the country, whether it is local government, an institution like a college or business, it is all so bad today. How sad.

  5. Broadly speaking, you could say that Kamala Harris was brought up as a Hindu. Since she named her daughter a Hindu name, I guess you could say that it took.

    She certainly looks like her mother, and everything about Kamala smacks of India.

    She probably envisions herself as the American Indira Gandhi.

    If she and Joe win, there is a good chance that the 2024 election will be fought between two Indian women: Kamala Harris, and Nikki Haley.

    That would be some contest
