Thursday, August 13, 2020

Kamala Laughs like a Hyena

Kamala Harris Laughs Hysterically About Killing President Trump

Steven Ahle| Opinion| Kamala Harris and Ellen once and made a joke about killing President Trump and then started laughing hysterically or was it maniacally?

Can you imagine if it had been a Republican making the same comment about Barack Obama? All hell would have broken loose and the left would be demanding all advertisers dump Ellen immediately.

Read about it... and see the video.


  1. It is so sad, so much hypocrisy. My colleague once said that too, and she is supposed to be a professional, so many people have TDS, they have become mentally unstable and so full of hate for President Trump. I cannot even stand to be around people like this anymore. There is no reasoning with hateful people. jojo, cami, and ellen are all bad people, it is all coming out!

  2. Golden showers says it all
