Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Kamala and her Forked Tongue

Kamala: Eliminating Private Health Insurance of 180 Million Americans Is ‘A Great Idea’

"Kamala Harris has a reputation for spouting falsehoods, just like 11 out of every 10 Congressional Democrats..." On Sunday night, the junior senator from California was caught in a damning lie."

She said that eliminating private health insurance was one of the “great ideas” to fix problems in the health care system.

Vote Trump in November!

Read about Kamala and her speaking with forked tongue.


  1. Eliminating Private "Primary" health insurance is a good idea. Single payer for major medical is our future. Private insurance would still be used for the co-pay and elective type procedures that don't threaten life.

    Something like Medicare and Medicaid.

    Takes the profit abuse and ambulance chasing attorneys out of the equation.

    I'm sure you will vehemently disagree with me. But how does what we are now doing look like in 20 years? What would you suggest? Leaving it like it is?

  2. What's wrong with it? In universal healthcare, which we can't afford,
    The negatives are:
    "Healthy people pay for the sickest.
    People have less financial incentive to stay healthy.
    Long wait times.
    Doctors may cut care to lower costs.
    Health care costs overwhelm government budgets.
    The government may limit services that have a low probability of success."
    No one is denied medical care if they can't afford a premium. We have Medicaid. Wait until you retire and collect Medicare, something you have contributed into as it was started in 1965 to take care of all those no longer working with little to no income.

  3. "Healthy people pay for the sickest. No Argument. Everyone pays and those who can't afford are subsidized by those who can.

    People have less financial incentive to stay healthy. This is a dumb argument. I didn't quit smoking for financial reasons. Cancer doesn't discriminate even for healthy people.

    Long wait times. Probably for non-life threatening procedures.

    Doctors may cut care to lower costs. Doctors don't cut care now in the Medicare System. They get paid for procedures. Maybe less testing because they don't have to CYA so much.

    Health care costs overwhelm government budgets. We are already paying for "free" health care to indigent people.

    The government may limit services that have a low probability of success." Do they do that now with Medicare?

    The problem is in the language. Words mean something. While the two parties argue about Health "Insurance", the rest of the developed world delivers health "care". Get rid of the insurance and give us care.

  4. The main difference is that we are not a socialist country. We have some social programs but we are not socialist. We don't want to be. Why compare us to the rest of the world that isn't doing so hot? Not an argument for me.

  5. Doctors have already cut health care. They look into the computer, and the computer tells the doctor what to do.

    Other than surgeries, the doctor really doesn't know much more than he knew 100 years ago.

    Even most of the tried and true medicines have been around for 100 years.

    Unless you have a fee for service plan, the doctor will rarely suggest diagnostic tests anymore.
