Thursday, August 20, 2020

Guy Cast ballots in name of Dead Mother

Man Pleads Guilty To Mail-In Ballot Fraud After Voting As Dead Mother In Three Elections

“I have to tell you, that if you go with this universal mail-in … tens of millions of ballots being sent to everybody and their dogs, dogs are getting them, OK? People that have been dead for 25 years are getting them, you have to see what’s happening. Then you’re never going to have a fair election,” Trump said in a Fox News interview.

Read about the guy... who committed one count of fraud and one count of fraudulent voting.


  1. Its true, dead people. check with your nearest Democrat as they know all about it.

  2. always wondwered why names cant be purged liks s.s. does

  3. Mail ins are suspect.

  4. You do know, of course, that Republicans have done this, too, right?

    Voter/election fraud isn't just a Democratic Party thing. I mean, the current president's son sat down in his Dad's NYC hotel in 2016 and told a Russian agent that he would happy to take whatever dirt the Russians could dig up on Hillary.

    I'm wondering if you all would be totally okay Joe Biden's campaign sitting down with Cuban agents and telling them that they would be happy to take whatever dirt they have on Trump.

  5. @11:10...past your bedtime. We are talking about BALLOTS here...mail-in ballots. Just wait until the Durham guys are totally shameless and have no argument for anything. Corrupt as the day is long.

  6. Oh. So something like this that happened earlier this year where a West Virginia mail carrier changed ballots from Democratic to Republican?

    is that what you mean?

  7. @8:04...very rare when a Republican would do this. It didn't change their vote did it? Keep might come up with one more.

  8. "An absentee-ballot buying operation was uncovered in Winston County, Alabama, that led to the conviction of the sheriff, circuit clerk, a district judge, and several candidates for county commission and the board of education. The conspirators set out to buy absentee ballots in the 2000 Republican primary with bribes of cash, beer, and liquor. Judge Richardson pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of failing to report campaign expenditures; the others pleaded guilty to felony charges stemming from the operation. Bailey was sentenced to three years’ probation, plus a $1,000 fine and 250 hours of community service. Neal got three years’ probation, a $2,500 fine, and 250 hours’ community service. Ingram was ordered to serve a year in prison and pay a $1,000 fine. Emerson got two years’ probation. Judge Richardson resigned, and received a suspended six-month prison sentence, one year probation, and a $1,000 fine"

    I can keep them coming, Lynn. You want more? Or are you still going to act stupid?

    By the way, the above came from The Heritage Foundation via The White House...

  9. @12:26 Try using words to me personally like "stupid" and you will be deleted in the future.

    Did you research all the cases to find out what party was more complicit or are you just citing one incident involving several people? What you cite took place 20 years ago. Anything more recent to support your case that Democrats are innocent law-abiding citizens when it comes to stealing an election?

    This is about mail-in ballots.

  10. Sure, Lynn. 2019 recent enough?

    From North Carolina:

    "A Republican political operative who worked for former congressional candidate Mark Harris in rural Bladen County faces felony charges in connection with the 2018 general election, an indictment revealed Tuesday by the Wake County district attorney shows.

    Leslie McCrae Dowless was charged with two counts of felony obstruction of justice, perjury, solicitation to commit perjury, conspiracy to obstruct justice and possession of absentee ballot, the document showed.

    Dowless was previously indicted on charges related to an absentee ballot harvesting operation he allegedly ran in Bladen County in 2016 and during the 2018 primary. His earlier charges include three counts of felonious obstruction of justice, two counts of conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice and two counts of possession of an absentee ballot.


    "At the hearing, one of Dowless’ workers, Lisa Britt, testified that Dowless paid workers to collect absentee ballot request forms and ballots and to drop them off at his office and home. She said Dowless told her how to avoid setting off alarms, instructing her in details as small as how to place stamps, The News & Observer earlier reported."

    I'll keep them coming, Lynn, but the thing is with people like you is that you don't operate on facts. You don't even want to hear them. You delete them. You ignore them. Because the worse thing in the world for someone like yourself is to have to admit that they were wrong or mistaken.

  11. Oh,ballot harvesting...we had that big time right here in our democrat county--wrote about that last year--Mack Bernard and his close ally, state Rep. Al Jacquet, canvassed mostly Haitian neighborhoods collecting ballots, in some cases going into voters’ homes and helping them fill out their ballots. They both won their races with high absentee vote totals." Bernard later became mayor of Palm Beach County. Bobby Powell who was up for election of State Senator was involved in the same thing when an aide dropped off bundles of forms.
    They are all Democrats and Al Jacquet just lost his primary.

  12. And one more thing, anonymous at are a COWARD OF THE FIRST ORDER. If you had any character or credibility, you would post under your real name. You don't because you never will.

  13. Apropos to your comment 6:09. I wonder about that too. My sister worked for a credit union, and one of her jobs was to go through the death notices, and remove all of the dead people from the credit union records. It's really a very easy thing to do. I guess it's more important for the two parties to throw dirt at each other, than to perform a simple task.

  14. Lynn, I've used my name before and you tell me I'm lying and that isn't really my name. I mean, I can't win.

    I suppose you'll always have an excuse of some kind to berate me because I've committed the terrible crime of disagreeing with you or, worse yet, providing you with actual facts. It must be horrible not being able to talk to anyone who doesn't see the world exactly like you do.

  15. @9:25 I usually don’t bother talking with Democrats so it’s not horrible at all. :)
