Sunday, August 16, 2020

Democrats are all a Nasty Lot

Media, Some Democrats Use Death Of Trump’s Brother To Attack The President: ‘The Wrong Trump’ Died

Some media organizations, partisan talking heads, and Democrats used the death of President Donald Trump’s brother, Robert Trump, to attack the president.

Read some of the attacks... by disgusting, deplorable Democrats and Media.


  1. Very disgusting. Can you imagine the media uproar if President Obama had lost a brother and the right reacted in such a sickening way? I hope we pound these degenerates into the ground on Election day .

  2. There are mean people in both parties. Words are one thing, actions another.

  3. @8:45...Republicans have been way too passive when it comes to Democrat BS. We need to get more aggressive and call them out on all the lies. That's not mean. It's standing up for convictions. Republicans do not riot in cities, demolish businesses, want reparations as an excuse to loot and rob, kill people...etc.
