Monday, August 31, 2020

Constitutional Amendments for the 2020 FL General Election Ballot

HIGHLIGHTS Four citizen initiatives are on the ballot. Amendment 1 would state that only citizens can vote in Florida; Amendment 2 would raise the minimum wage to $15 by 2026; Amendment 3 would establish top-two open primaries and you can bet a Democrat got this on the ballot; and Amendment 4 would require constitutional amendments to be passed twice.


  • 1. YES--Citizenship requirement to Vote in Florida Elections.
  • 2. NO-YES-On the Fence.Raising Florida's minimum wage to $15 hour
  • 3. NO--All registered voters vote in Primary elections--2 highest vote getters advance to General Election regardless of Party affiliation.
    The proposed amendment would actually abolish party primary elections for certain offices and replace them with free-for-all 'jungle primaries.
    When the books closed July 20 for the state primaries of Aug. 18, there were 5,167,930 registered Democrats and 4,927,507 Republicans. And 3,622,236 citizens registered with no party affiliation — known as NPAs — meaning they can’t vote in partisan primaries this month but will be eligible for the general election. You can see from the above, that there is the possibility that Republicans would never hold office in Florida.
  • 4. NO-YES?--Voter approval of all Constitutional Amendments to be decided in two general elections instead of just one. We do this in Lake Worth when we pass an Ordinance with two Public Hearings.
  • 5. YES--Limitations on Homestead Property, increased portability period from two years to three to transfer accrued Save Our Homes benefits to a new homestead. Homeowners could take their exemption with them for two full years or more -- and not lose it in the space of a year and a few days. Lawmakers should put this sensible change on the ballot, and voters should approve the amendment in November.
  • 6. YES--Ad Valorem Tax Discount for spouses of certain deceased veterans who had permanent, combat related disabilities


  1. amendment 3 just shows how evil Democrats are.

  2. 6 should pertain to all spouses of veterns who pass for any reason

  3. @9:47--even old age? A natural death?

  4. I'm an NPA. Please break down #3 as it pertains to me.

  5. NPA's who can not vote in Primary elections, now will be able to do so if this passes. "Amendment 3 would change Florida’s closed primary elections for state elected officials to a top-two open primary system. Those officials include state legislators, governor, and elected cabinet officials like the attorney general."
    Why don't you register Republican? :)

  6. yes lynn all veterns should get this perk.they served this country and its past time we thank them for it

  7. @5:38...well, I guess you will vote YES on this amendment.

    We thank veterans every day, at least we do under President Trump who has done a lot for veterans. This is for those spouses whose husbands/wives died in the service of their country. You think the government should do this for able bodied veterans who are employed after they are discharged just because they served in the armed forces?

    This is a Florida amendment and it should pass. We are the most veteran friendly state in the country and governor deSantis signed two veteran bills last year.

  8. Back to #3. I don't study this like you do. What does a top two open primary system mean.

  9. The top two who get the most votes advance to the General election. It could be two Democrats as there are more registered Democrats in the state not to mention Palm Beach County.

  10. So, doesn't that lead to more run-off elections? Or is that only a Lake Worth thing?

  11. OK--guys--The two that receive the most votes in the Primary go onto the General election. So since we're in a Democrat county, Democrat city and Democrat state, the top two with the most votes continue on. There will be no more Primaries for Democrat voters and Republican will all go away. Republicans will never be able to win or it will be near to impossible. Democrats prefer to elect any Democrat even if he/she is corrupt as hell.

  12. I guess you just have to see it to understand it.

  13. There are NO more Party primaries. What is there to understand?
    There is one primary with everyone from every party running on the ballot. You pick your two favorites. That's it.
