Thursday, August 27, 2020

BLM wanted police protection

Black Lives Matter Terrorists Complain That Police Didn't Protect Them As Patriots Give a Beat Down

Now that has to be the funniest thing I've read lately!

Something is very wrong in Portland. For three months now, every night there has been destruction and chaos by anarchist Marxist group, Black Lives Matter and Antifa, a known terrorist group.

And the question to ask is, why are not Democrats condemning them...condemning the annihilation of this and other cities? Why?

Read more and see the video...

1 comment:

  1. A little off subject, but.....

    I'm a white guy, so obviously won't understand.

    If I am told to do something by a cop, like "Stop", "Don't move", "get on the ground", or "show me your hands", I would not even think of doing anything other than what he/she told me to do.

    And if I did do something other than what I was "lawfully" told to do, I think I would have to take some responsibility for what ever comes after my refusal to follow orders. And because he/she has a gun, that would include getting shot.

    With a few exceptions, like the woman who was shot in her own house by mistake, most of these guys are refusing orders and resisting arrest.

    I am not denying bias and fear of the black man. It is prevalent and obvious. But I don't see cops getting up in the morning thinking "I am going to go out today and take out a black guy".
