Friday, August 28, 2020

Bishop Pinkney has Protest in front of Lake Worth City Hall

Protesters gather in Lake Worth Beach

About 40 people lined the sidewalk in front of Lake Worth Beach City Hall on Thursday night with calls of “Black Lives Matter” and ‘No Justice, No Peace."

“Nothing has changed yet, nothing, we have not seen any change,” said Bishop Melvin Pinkney of the New Life Zion Temple, who helped organize the demonstration.

Read about these poor souls... who are demonstrating in front of our city hall for a police problem here that is non-existent in our city. Just what we need, an activist preacher who believes that BLM is NOT a terrorist Marxist group but saviors of us all.

And Omari Hardy was close by.


  1. No only was he close by, he is the instigator behind all the false racism in this city. Punk.

  2. Oh definitely Hardy was and is behind this crap. This guy needs to grow up and stop dividing people. Stop his racism. Stop the BS. But that's what Democrats do. And I am very disappointed in some of the people who have endorsed him like Justin Katz, vice mayor Boynton Beach, who really is smarter than this.

  3. guess omari wants to go down in history as the biggest ass hole on dixie.he is the racist in this town.herman should be cutting ties with him fast.

  4. It's too late for Herman.

  5. @ 9:54 AM, you’re right. Robinson is a complete train wreck- he alternated between laughing fits and being on the verge of tears at this past Tuesday’s 8/25 meeting. And his begging “please, please, please”. Someone needs to tell him to keep personal emotion out of his comments and stick to facts. Robinson can’t hold his own and has shown to be nothing but a follower. And enough with his “...kick it down the road...” comments. Geez Louise! Ok the first time maybe it was funny - but every meeting.....🙄.

  6. Herman is lake worth’s Biden. He’s a bumbling bafoon just following everything Omari does. It’s embarrassing to even say he’s a person representing our city. Not sure how he sleeps at night. We must vote him out.

  7. If anyone looks into public records, you can see that Hardy has many illegal, unethical behaviors.

    Check out his financial records - his reporting of donations - all the dates of paperwork filed - holding 2 government jobs at the same time (the second job was never posted as job opening). He worked for Herman's wife - oh, when questioned..... she retires.

    Search! file complaints! Election Boards. Ethical Boards. Legal Boards.
