Thursday, July 30, 2020

Vernon Jones Declares ‘I Am Black And I Am A Democrat. But I Ain’t Voting For Joe Biden’

Georgia Dem Vernon Jones: Trump Is ‘Working Extremely Hard To Make Sure America Is Going To Be Healthy Again’

Georgia State Representative Vernon Jones has said President Trump is working “extremely hard to make sure America is going to be healthy again.” Jones: “I Am Very Happy And Proud Of This President”

Read about Vernon


  1. I ain't voting for biden either.

  2. Agreed, President Trump is the hardest working president in modern history, he is a non-stop energizer bunny, doing so much for the people. He is not a do nothing politician like so many people are today, we have a lot of do nothing elected, leaders, admin, in our work and society. President Trump should be applauded for all he do!

  3. Obama spoke at a funeral today for John Lewis, but was so stupid, at a funeral he is bashing President Trump and made it all political, at a funeral. How stupid! I cannot believe anyone would stoop so low to be so political at a funeral, how offensive and ignorant can obama be? Lost all respect for him now! Not smart!

  4. President Trump certainly could never be labelled as a do nothing president. He has been one of the hardest working presidents in modern times in the past 60+ years, one of the best presidents! Unlike all these do nothing people in congress/senate who do next to nothing and rape the American citizens with taxes and they get the high salaries with no term limits. Pray for our President and his continued support for making our country great! You have to really applaud him!

  5. Biden is a baby killer supporter, he supports abortion, yet is supposed to be Catholic. Hope the priests stop letting him get Holy Communion. biden is a huge hypocrite, thinks it is fine to kill unborn babies, this speaks volumes about a person, think about it!

  6. Obama put on his phoney ghetto voice for Lewis funeral and rallied for more burning and looting.

  7. I can't stand when he does that accent. That alone, shows what a fraud he is. Mrs. Clinton tried that too, Remember!

  8. Hilary is Clinton Crime Family but was ridiculous trying to use Ebonics. Insulting.
