Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Twitter Censors Doctors on Covid-19--Breitbart can't Tweet

Twitter Censors Videos of Doctors’ Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference, Locks Breitbart Account

Twitter deleted Breitbart News’ Periscope livestream of a Washington D.C. press conference held on Monday by the group America’s Frontline Doctors and organized and sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots.

Shortly after removing the footage of the livestream, Twitter limited the Breitbart News official account, which means the account cannot be used to send tweets. A Twitter spokesperson told Breitbart News: “Tweets with the video are in violation of our COVID-19 misinformation policy. We are taking action in line with our policy here

Read about it...

Time to switch to


  1. They said they are censoring Madonna too who spoke out. Who knows the truth anymore. Now Twitter and Facebook and scientists and the only experts on COVID?

    There is so much more we do not know and they are hiding from us. So much!

    I think I believe our President more and this doctor, I don't trust most others, we need to give our president a lot of credit. He works so hard, deals with so many dorks and idiots blocking him and bashing him constantly, yet he keeps jugging along, he is amazing!

  2. Dumb asses made this viral by banning it! Millions more that would not have seen the video will want to see what the furor is about. LOL!

  3. Now the MSM is calling the vid "misinformation" and bringing their own docs for support. MSM is misinformation central.
