Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Kid Lost His cool, again!

As expected, Omari Hardy lost his cool when it came to his agenda item under New Business to change the name of Dixie Highway, a highway in existence since 1915. In his mind, anything that ever had to do with the plight of the black man or could possibly represent the South must be erased from history forever. That's the belief in a racist's mind.

Hardy and Robinson both said there are long-term inequities that exist in our city and Robinson agrees with Hardy by insisting it is systemic racism saying Dixie Highway was an example. Such hogwash. They never gave one example of racism in Lake Worth, a city that prides itself on being inclusive of all people. It's easy to hurl aspersions; it's all subjective.

On an amendment to Hardy's motion by Commissioner Maxwell, he made a motion to engage the community in the discussion before they asked the Palm Beach County Commission about the subject which passed on a 3/2 vote. That got Hardy and Robinson even madder and they insisted on a detailed interpretation of what and how it would be presented to the residents.

Rewriting history is stupid. It is what it is; leave it alone. Changing the name of Dixie Highway will not change any perceived or real pain that African Americans might feel nor will defaming and tearing down statutes because someone used to own slaves. Hardy wants to punish people in our city and in America for things of the past, things that don't exist today. George Floyd was the excuse for the madness and this kid has a lot to learn.


  1. Omari is a racist. It's just that simple.

  2. Well, George Floyd and Brooks were no heroes! They were criminals and running from law enforcement, they were not very good people, they likely brought all on themselves and may have caused their own deaths, while sad, true. Floyd had a long arrest record and was not good, likely high on meth when he died. We make these people out to be heroes, they are not. Omari needs to start defending the law and sticking up for good people. He should try to learn a lesson from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and other good African Americans. I thought Omari was Haitian anyway? Was he even born in the USA to remember and know about the history here? Omari what we want is law and order and a better living situation, improve the blight and bad conditions in the district you represent and supposedly live in. Do your job for the people of Lake Worth you represent. Stop trying to change history or make it whatever you are doing, stopping acting like a punk like all these antifa and blm people who have become thugs with so much violence. You almost act violent yourself the way you behave on the dais.

  3. this guy is an obama bobble head

  4. Most everyone who supported him last night were among the radical communist group in Lake Worth. Some have been around forever. He sure knows how to attract his Alt-Left supporters.

  5. Omari Hardy has forgotten that he represents the people of Lake Worth. Not himself. With everything that our business community is going thru,with everything that the people are going thru now,THIS WAS HIS CONCERN???? Hardy has become nothing better than a media whore.Lake Worth is more than just a stepping stone on the way to the political pig trough that he wants to live off of.Too bad but all to predictable that Commissioner Hardy has forgotten why he was elected.
    Katie Mcgiveron

  6. Who are you talking about Lynn? Javier Del Sol and Cara Jennings and the entire anarchist group that live off the taxpayers and who do not work, but like to cause a lot of havoc here in the city?

  7. I feel it is time for Patriots to show up and support our Law Enforcement and first Responders. Check with local leaders of clubs and organizations that actually❤ America and show up ENFORCE. Changing Dixie name is another reason.lets get organized against these cry babies

  8. In Stuart, Boynton, Delray, Boca, and Ft. Lauderdale they call it Federal Highway, so this is fine too if Dixie is so offensive to all. Does it really matter? Federal Highway may sound better.

  9. We have Federal Highway here which is East of Dixie Highway

  10. 8:19 it does matter. One guy can't demand this change which means nothing and would be costly. It's petty and useless. There are more critical needs.
