Thursday, July 30, 2020

Shocker! Herman Cain Dead at 74

Herman Cain just passed away

Read about him


  1. I'm sad about Herman Cain. I always enjoyed his commentary.

  2. i hope the man gets the same send off we just witnessed

  3. Sorry to hear this.

    So will they have his funeral too on TV for two weeks like John Lewis?

    It is funny that they have all these funerals now on TV interrupting other shows we like to watch, they even had the funeral of G. floyd and brooks, thugs on TV.

    Why can't they put someone like the funeral of Regis on TV who was a good person and we loved him and loved watching his show.

    They glorify the wrong people all the time, putting all these funerals on tv all day long, can't they show a snippet at night on the nightly news?

  4. We have lost a great voice for freedom and liberty. Rest in peace, Mr. Cain.

  5. If only he had worn a mask and socially distanced...

  6. Herman Cain had stage 4 Cancer. Are you being cute @3:02pm?

  7. I heard they label and code people wrong and are coding all as COVID, although many deaths are not COVID. If you compare and do research and data of death rates from over the past several years and this year 2020 there really is no significant difference between death rates. Look at:

    and even CDC

    There is something very peculiar about COVID, death rates, coding, and comparing all to the past months and years.

    What is the oddest thing here in FL, unlike NY, they never do or talk about contact tracing of locations where people were who tested positive.

    ALL very ODD!

  8. He died of corona virus.

  9. Nope 7:38AM, he died of cancer that he had in 2006, 14 years ago not Corona virus!

  10. Mr.Cain led an exemplary successful life in contrast to the bitter,strife driven one of MrLewis. It shows true overcoming and not leaning on the poor me background of which no race has a monopoly on.
