Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sanctuary City continues to be a Mess

18 Police Officers Injured After Chicago Protesters Hurl Hundreds of Projectiles

What happened on Saturday in Chicago near a statue of Christopher Columbus is just horrible. 18 cops were injured in the melee.

Where is Joe Biden to comment on this? He knows these are the people who will vote for him in November.


  1. I can't believe these creeps will be capable of voting.

  2. Pray for an end to all this violence and destruction from the mob. WE all need to pray more. The governor of Alabama said recently, who is Catholic, that we all need to pray more and fast and give alms. It is nice when governors and the president talk about prayer.

  3. Chicago, birthplace of Barak Hussain's
    political career where he was a community organizer.
