Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Red Bull CEO solved the cancer of social Justice warriors

Red Bull Just Purged High-Level Execs Who Pushed for ‘Diversity and Inclusion’

Red Bull just reminded their ‘wokest’ employees who calls the shots in a total massacre of “social justice warrior” employees.

Not only were the top two North American executives fired, but so were entire marketing teams and “culture” teams that were dedicated to pushing the lie of systemic racism.

Read about the CEO who did the right thing! and stood up for justice.


  1. The backlash has begun.

  2. That's the best news I've had for a long time. Everybody is afraid of these freaks. Long live our freedom to think and speak our hearts and minds, and put these imbeciles on a "Slow Boat to China". Maybe China can send them to a re-education camp. In fact; that's exactly what they need. 6 months of hard labor.

    They can make masks over there!
