Saturday, July 18, 2020

Palm Beach County Threatens possible Shutdown

Shutting down Palm Beach County not 'off the table

Kerner said the positivity rate in the county is currently at 12%, up from 9.3% just three weeks ago. He said that rate needs to be at or below 10% for the county to better manage the virus.



  1. A proactive step to stop the spread will be to take the temperature of people entering a building to see that they are within normal range. When I go to therapy, the therapists take my temperature, provide hand sanitizer, stagger appointments to facilitate social distancing, and scrupulously follow clients to sanitize any equipment that was used.
    These are positive actions that PB County Commissioners can take to lower the spread instead of negative threats that make us pawns of the Chinese Communist party.

  2. It's impossible to get an accurate count of how many have the virus in Lake Worth Beach. I'm not interested in who had the virus in April. If they got better, great, if they died, it doesn't matter any more. How many people in LWB have the virus as of 7/18/20?

  3. We are doing a massive amount of testing. What is important to consider, how many hospitalizations and how many deaths . Don’t know these stats but I have not heard of a death in our city.

  4. That's helpful. I have no confidence in the testing. Why would we do the testing any better than we do anything else. And what does the test mean anyway? That you go home and watch TV for two weeks? The whole thing is silly. Fortunately, we have a Governor who is not intimidated by the media. I wouldn't have the test, and I certainly wouldn't be one of the volunteers for a vaccine!

  5. Palm Beach County Comissioners, stop spreading th Corona Virus, with talk,even Gov,Ron Desantis,no more time for talk,
    spray the streets with disinfectant like in other Countries!

  6. That's a good idea 2:44. Every year, every day, in fact, we get dumber here in the US. Everybody buried in their social media fantasies, while the country burns. The poorest third world countries have more of a survival instinct than we have. Hiding from a virus now, for 5/6 months. What kind of fools are we?

  7. Shut down's ruin people's lives.The numbers will go right back up when we eventually open back up. How many businesses will be closed? How many children not in school will be abused? How many people will no longer have jobs. (a good thing in the Democrats view). Democrats want everyone dependent on the Govt. Wait until they withhold your ability to work or buy food unless you submit to testing.

  8. Imagine, one of the testing sites is that dirty CVS drive-up, across from Starbucks.

    Mark my word: The Social Media set will be wearing their face masks, long after the threat of the virus has passed.
