Saturday, July 4, 2020

Now our National Parks are Racist

Elements of the left are claiming now that America’s national parks are built on systemic racism

"New government data, shared first with ABC News, shows the country’s premier outdoor spaces — the 419 national parks — remain overwhelmingly white." SO WHAT? Our country is overwhelmingly WHITE. So, what's the surprise? What's the beef?

"Just 23 percent of visitors to the parks were people of color, the National Park Service found in its most recent 10-year survey; 77 percent were white. Minorities make up 42 percent of the U.S. population.

The U.S. Census Bureau projects people of color will be a majority in America by 2044 — a demographic shift that will impact park attendance and finances. Community advocates say physical and mental health for minority communities is also at risk."

Read more about this insanity...

Yes, demographics are changing thanks to all the illegal aliens who are in this country and who continue to break our laws every day by crossing our borders. But, the largest ethnic minority (Hispanics) comprises 18%, Blacks 13.4% (and Omari Hardy says the black representation on the Lake Worth dais is non-representative of minorities. It's 20%), Non-Hispanic Whites are at 61% but if you throw in White Hispanic Latinos, it brings it up to 77% WHITE. [Source: Wikipedia]

Playing the Race Card is way past old.

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