Friday, July 31, 2020

NFAC (Not F***ing Around Coalition)

Black Militia Vows to ‘Burn Down’ Louisville if Cops Involved Responsible for Death of Breonna Taylor Aren’t Arrested

The Black militia NFAC carrying assault weapons, came to Louisville to demand "justice" for Breonna Taylor with protesters. Kentucky has no law restricting assault weapons. Assault weapons are frequently the guns of choice for individuals who carry out horrific public attacks.

Now the group is making more threats and have said that they will burn down the city of Louisville if the people responsible for the death of Breonna Taylor are not arrested. Grandmaster Jay says they expect an answer in four weeks.

Once you read what came down, you will agree that the militant Grandmaster Jay needs to be under 24 hour surveillance and arrested if he makes one illegal move.

Read about the Shooting of Breonna Taylor

1 comment:

  1. Is Windemere to be burned down because a Black thief beat 2 good citizens to death and placed another in hospital because they tried to stop the theft of a pickup truck? He used a baseball bat. This wasn't reported by the MSM. In other reports no mention of race. If the victims had shot him, what a circus the media would have played. This career criminal rammed onto their property with another stolen car breaking the gates.
