Saturday, July 25, 2020

Mob Attacks on Christian and other Statues

Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks is demanding federal authorities investigate mob attacks on Christian statues and churches

The recent epidemic of outrage has made Christians just one of many targets of mob hatred. The Federalist has identified 183 other monuments across the country that have been desecrated by extremist groups since May.

Read the list here of the deplorable criminal acts by terrorist cowards.

1 comment:

  1. The mob, the dems are the mob, they are anarchists and socialist, they are communists and want the USA to be like Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia. While all talk about how bad it is in those countries, this it what nancy pelosi and all the crazy hypocrite lefts want now for our country. How sad! Pray for an end to the mob! They have all sold their souls to the devil!
