Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Laura Loomer for Congress to Replace Lois Frankel

I’ve been “canceled” by the far-left for my conservative views

and now, I’m fighting back by running for Congress.

When I get to Washington, I’ll end the far-left’s totalitarian reign of terror... but first, I need your support.

As a conservative investigative journalist, I’ve spent my career exposing leftist lies and fighting back against the far-left’s anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, and anti-white hatred. As you can imagine, that hasn’t made me too popular with the liberal elites. In fact, standing up for conservative values got me permanently banned from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other major social media platforms.

But I’m not alone. Every single day, another prominent conservative is “canceled” by the far-left... just because they dared to speak their mind. Conservatives must start punching back hard right away... or we risk losing our free speech rights and our great nation forever. I’m running for Congress because someone needs to fight tooth and nail to preserve our American values. And it won’t be any of the spineless RINOs in Washington.

I will come out swinging against the far-left the moment I take my oath of office. But I can’t win this fight alone.

Laura Loomer for Congress

Primary August 18


  1. ha ha lynn.

    we need a serious candidate to challenge frankel. my vote is with michael vilardi. this isn't a time to play games.

  2. I'm with you 3:32!

  3. Don't we have enough crazy people in government, without you promoting this crazy woman to run against one of the shrewdest politicians in the country.

    Lois will be almost impossible to beat, with her pink hat constituency.

  4. We need a candidate who is fearless. That's Laura Loomer.

  5. All crazy people are fearless. She belongs in a strait jacket!

  6. Good idea! Support a loser. Make sure Lois wins.

  7. Looks like someone doesn't like Laura Loomer. LOL

  8. what's there to like?

  9. I'm sure going to vote for this fearless conservative! Go Laura!

  10. Anyone over Lois, that lady is a whack job, so fake and phony, does nothing for our area. Another baby killer supporter, we do not need people like that in our elected offices, it says so much about us as a society when we do, stand up for life, all life, from birth to natural death. A Dios Lois!

  11. It's crazies like Loomer who scare people away from the Republican Party. Support her at your own peril.

  12. We've been through the Tea Party debacle. The "Squad is the equal and opposite reaction to that. This one is just AOC in a red dress.

    Passionate? Yes. Qualified? No.

  13. What was the "debacle" concerning the Tea Party? Mike Pence is a member of the Tea Party caucus. They catapulted many Republican conservatives into office as I remember.
    Laura Loomer has the balls to tackle this job.

  14. I agree 11:32! First of all, the only qualification she has is a big mouth. She has no education to speak of, and reading her own auto-biography, she is unstable and suicidal.

  15. Loomer is a journalist and self-described Jewish conservative activist originally from Tucson, Arizona.[1][2] As a journalist, she has worked at Project Veritas and Rebel Media.[3] Loomer attended Barry University in Miami, Florida as an undergraduate, where she first became involved in Republican political groups on campus
