Friday, July 31, 2020

Lake Worth Downtown Parking Survey

Lake Worth Beach requests input on downtown parking survey

For Business Owners and Others who park downtown and who want to take the survey, Click Here


  1. Pretty stupid doing a survey now when no one is downtown

  2. I completely agree with you 8:23. This is what you get from a working at home city. Busywork. Maybe they should ask their moms first, before they make such a stupid request.

  3. seems like every couple of years there is a survey on parking downtown.neveer hear what comes out of them

  4. You don't plan for 5 and ten years out by what is happening in the past 5 months. "This too shall pass".

    Lake Worth will need parking. We have a very walkable downtown. We just need a parking garage centrally located so we can take the cars off Lake and Lucerne.

  5. I would like to see some actual shops where I can buy something. Trinkets & Treasures is the only store I really like. The restaurants, for the most part, are awful. If you don't drink, forget about the downtown. Look at what happened to Lake Worth Jewelers after decades here? We lost Halsey & Griffith years ago. We lost Andy's buiness on Lake Ave because rents were too high. We need some good businesses/restaurants...maybe some chains.

  6. Take cars off Lake and Lucerne? What about the block long bus? Couldn't they have arranged for a smaller bus to go from Lake and Dixie to the beach. If they'd fix the holes in the alley ways, some of the deliveries could be made to the back doors.

    Was it the Tin Man who said: "If I only had a brain"

    A quote from Pat Buchanan: "Make America think Again"
