Monday, July 27, 2020

Judge Judy meets George Floyd

This was a guy who was a punk and criminal his entire life. The Democrats ended up making him some sort of a martyr for their anti-police agenda and that excuse brought anarchists/terrorists into many major cities in the country with protests and mayhem. Derek Chauvin, Minneapolis police officer, knew he was a criminal and a bad ass.

There was even a protest in Lake Worth Beach thanks to our Alt-Left commissioner, Omari Hardy.

"The autopsy revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation, and that Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The combined effects of Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions, and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death. In contrast, the medical examiner's first press release stated that "the cause and manner of death is currently pending further testing." [MedPageToday]


  1. Yes, a criminal of the first order. Looks like his father had no control over him either.

  2. Floyd is text book example of Marxist Democrat Political Strategy where an event can be "created" in order to Divide a relatively cohesive nation--the more divided the nation becomes, the easier it is to enslave it's people with a new Marxist government to replace the previous republic.

  3. Dan, have you read "Das Kapital"? Have you read Lenin's "The State and Revolution"?

    In my opinion, Marx and Engels were basically Political Philosophers. Lenin was a devotee of Marx, but without Stalin, it would never have happened.

    So, we have philosophers, we have plenty of sycophants, but who is going to play Stalin??

  4. Pelosi can play Stalin.

  5. @11:32am.
    I can't argue with your main point, but I would argue that the IDEA and the philosophy of Marxism or Communism, is the most dangerous threat we face in the world today--it is what would cause the worst World War, it is the most likely to cause either either a Civil War in America, or a major War with globalists ( globalists are inherently communist).

    Teachers that teach that socialism is good, or that communism is good, need to be discharged and blackballed. Parents need to know and take action. Politicians and news outlets that promote socialism need to be seen as pariahs, yet as of today it is almost fashionable to be this form of traitor to American culture and history.

  6. I think that might work!

  7. Excellent! I think you've hit the nail squarely on the head.

  8. Dan, I don't know that you could call Nixon, or GHW Bush Communists, and yet they were clearly Globalists. These things evolve: Look at the "Paris Commune"; that was certainly a loss for socialism. Personally, I think we need a 2 state solution.

  9. Floyd let the devil in his soul/heart, just like all the others now that are rioting, destroying, and causing all this violence all over. Floyd was not a hero. Even what they have done with John Lewis. He was in congress for like 40 years, if he was really good, he would have imposed two year term limits and not allowed all these lifetime politicians like him. What was his salary? How much do they all make of the taxpayers? How can you respect all these people. Most leaders and elected have all sold their souls to the devil and so have many of these mob losers.

  10. @anon 1:54

    If by 2 state solution you mean a socialist US and a Republic of US, then the Civil War you suggest would be a blood bath, and only good for the ultra Wealthy at the top of the communist food chain...just as in Russia at it's peak, and just as in Communist China. The Richest people in the world pull the strings, and Communism is good for them - they don't want a stinking middle class, all they want are "workers" that are compliant.

    I will be happy to discuss this with you over coffee at common Ground, but I don't like discussions with anonymous people...even if they are well spoken :-)
