Sunday, July 12, 2020

Judge Jeanine gets into heated argument with Juan Williams over Goya boycott

Judge Pirro jumps on Juan Williams for sounding like a domestic batterer; male co-hosts have her back


  1. I saw that on the Five the other night. Juan seems really racist too, kind of like Omari. I think Fox likes to have him to show the dem side of things since the rest are all so repubs. I liked how the other lady, blond, stepped in and clarified and told him that Greg never said what Juan said he did. Juan has issues. Some African American men are insecure to begin with. Juan seems like one of them. Fox has many other African American men on their shows that seem more confident and well spoken than Juan.

  2. I am going to start buying more Goya from now on to support them in our country. Go USA and President Trump!
