Thursday, July 16, 2020

Intent of Amendment 4 Upheld - for the Moment

Supreme Court Upholds Decision to Temporarily Block Thousands of Florida Felons From Voting

DeSantis signed a Republican-backed bill last year stipulating that, in addition to serving their time, felons would have to pay all unpaid fines and restitution before being eligible to vote.

Voter rights advocates immediately sued the governor and the state. Now the case will return to the appeals court, which is scheduled to hold a hearing Aug. 18, the same day as Florida's primary.

Read more about it...


  1. Lynn who do you recommend to vote for in the Aug. voting? Do you like Link?


    Some have gotten my telephone number and are sending text messages, I don't know how, I don't like this, and will not vote for them.

    I have my mail in allot already.

  2. I will vote for Link. She has done a good job. If you are a Democrat you have a big primary with Omari Hardy and the incumbent Al Jacquet. I will vote for Ric Bradshaw again . See my blog on Sid Dinerstein’s pics that is off the front page now.
